Privacy Policy

Privacy policy

Sober Stoer en Mij ( respects the privacy of all users of its site and ensures that the personal information you provide is treated confidentially. We use your information to process orders as quickly and easily as possible. For the rest, we will only use this data with your permission.


General purpose of the processing

We use your data exclusively for the purpose of our services. This means that the purpose of the processing is always directly related to the assignment you provide. We do not use your data for (targeted) marketing. If you share data with us and we use this data to contact you at a later time - other than at your request - we will ask you for explicit permission to do so.

Your data will not be shared with third parties, other than to comply with accounting and other administrative obligations. These third parties are all bound to confidentiality on the basis of the agreement between them and us or an oath or legal obligation.

Automatically collected data

Data collected automatically by our website is processed with the aim of further improving our services. This data (for example your IP address, web browser and operating system) is not personal data. Cooperation with tax and criminal investigations In appropriate cases, Sober Stoer en Mij may be held on the basis of a legal obligation to share your data in connection with government tax or criminal investigations. In such a case we are forced to share your data, but we will oppose this within the possibilities offered by the law.

Retention periods

We keep your data as long as you are our customer. This means that we keep your customer profile until you indicate that you no longer wish to use our services. If you inform us of this, we will also regard this as a request to be forgotten. Based on applicable administrative obligations, we must keep invoices with your (personal) data, so we will keep this data for as long as the applicable period runs (7 years). Data provided for the purpose of processing an order, promotion or competition will be kept for a maximum of 3 years. If you have registered for our newsletter, this data will be retained until you unsubscribe from the newsletter. Information that you have provided on the Webwinkelkeur website for the purpose of assessing Sober Stoer en Mij will be retained.

Sober Stoer en Mij uses the collected data to provide its customers with the following services:

- If you place an order, we need your name, e-mail address and (delivery) address to prepare an invoice, process your order and keep you informed of its progress.

- Payment for your order is made via Ideal or PayPal (with the exception of payment upon collection, where payment is made in cash or via PIN (SumUp)).
- Your name and payment details are required for payment via Ideal. Payment is made via the protected environment of your own bank.
- Payment via PayPal goes through the protected environment of PayPal.
- Payment by PIN is made via a PIN machine and goes through the protected environment of SumUp.
- After receiving your order, you will receive a one-time email from Webwinkelkeur on behalf of Sober Stoer en Mij. For this action, Webwinkelkeur only receives your name and e-mail address for sending this e-mail on behalf of Sober Stoer en Mij . Via this link you can share your experience with Sober Stoer and me with future customers.
- You must always register for the newsletter and give permission to send the newsletter. When registering, you will be asked for your first name and email address. If you have registered for the newsletter, you will receive the newsletter a maximum of 4 times a month containing various promotions, offers, news and other information.
- Data about the use of the site and the feedback we receive from visitors help us to further develop and improve the site. You can provide feedback by sending an email to We also regularly conduct a survey to collect feedback. We share a link for this in the ordering process. Sharing feedback in the survey is anonymous and therefore no personal data will be collected for this.
- If you respond to a promotion or competition, we will ask you for your name and possibly your email address. This data is necessary to carry out the promotion, announce the prize winner(s) and measure the response to the marketing campaigns. We also need your address details to send the prizes to the winners or any promotional products.
- For advertising on Facebook and Instagram, we use the information (country, gender, age) that is known about you at Facebook and Instagram. This data helps us to show the advertisement to those people for whom our products/services are interesting. This information is general and cannot be traced back to you as a person.

Collaboration with third parties

Sober Stoer en Mij collaborates with the following parties:

- Online store software Shopify

Our online store runs on Shopify software. Personal data that you make available to us for the benefit of our services will be shared with this party. Shopify has access to your data to provide us with (technical) support, they will never use your data for any other purpose.

Shopify is obliged to take appropriate security measures based on the agreement we have concluded with them. If you place an order with us, we will, if desired, store your information in your account on a Secure Server. You can provide a username and password so that you do not have to enter your name and address, telephone number, e-mail address, delivery and payment details for every new order.

Shopify uses cookies to collect technical information regarding your use of the software, no personal data is collected and/or stored.

This website places cookies for the following reasons:

- Shopping cart (functional): Remember which products are in your shopping cart. Without this cookie you cannot order products or place them in your shopping cart.

- Cookie choice (functional): Remember whether you have given us permission to place cookies.

- Google Analytics (tracking cookie): Measure how you use the website and how you found us and try to gain insight into this with reports.

- Google AdWords (tracking cookie): We measure how you use the website and how you found us. We use this knowledge to improve our AdWords campaigns.

- Social media (Social Media cookie): This cookie makes it possible to 'like' social media pages. This button works using code that comes from the social media channel itself.

- Review sites (marketing cookies): We like to be reviewed by customers. We use the Webwinkelkeur review site for this. This places cookies for correct operation.

- How can I manage or delete cookies?

Cookies can usually be managed, edited and deleted via your browser. More information about enabling, disabling and deleting cookies can be found in the instructions and/or using the Help function of your browser.

- Web hosting Hostnet

We purchase web hosting services from Hostnet. Hostnet processes personal data on our behalf and does not use your data for its own purposes. This party can collect metadata about the use of the services. This is not personal data. Hostnet has taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to prevent loss and unauthorized use of your personal data. Hostent is obliged to maintain confidentiality under the agreement.

- Email and mailing lists via Shopify

We use the services of Shopify for our regular business email traffic. This party has taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to prevent misuse, loss and corruption of your and our data as much as possible. Shopify does not have access to our mailbox and we treat all our email traffic confidentially. We may, only with your permission, use your e-mail address to inform you about the development of the website and about special offers and promotions in the form of a newsletter. If you no longer wish to receive this, you can unsubscribe on our website or at the bottom of the emails you receive.

- Payment providers Shopify payments

We use the Shopify payments platform to process (part of) the payments in our online store. Shopify payments processes your name, address and residence details and your payment details such as your bank account or credit card number. Shopify payments has taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data. Shopify payments reserves the right to use your data to further improve the services and to share (anonymized) data with third parties in this context. All the above-mentioned guarantees with regard to the protection of your personal data also apply to the parts of Shopify Payments services for which they engage third parties. Shopify Payments does not store your data for longer than permitted by legal terms.

For more information, please refer to the Shopify payments Privacy Policy;

Privacy policy Shopify payments

- Payment provider Paypal

We use the services of Paypal to process (part of) the payments in our online store. Paypal processes your name, address and residence details and your payment details such as your bank account or credit card number. Paypal has taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data. Paypal reserves the right to use your data to further improve its services and in this context to share (anonymized) data with third parties. All the above-mentioned guarantees with regard to your personal data also apply to the parts of Paypal's services for which they engage third parties. Paypal does not store your data for longer than is permitted by the legal terms.

For more information, please refer to Paypal's Privacy Policy:

- Sumup Limited

To handle debit card payments in our showroom we use the SumUp Limited platform. SumUp Limited is an authorized electronic money institution regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland (reference number: no. C195030) and is EMV (Europay). , Mastercard and Visa) and PCI-DSS certified . SumUp Limited processes your name, address and residence details and your payment details such as your bank account or credit card number. SumUp Limited has taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data. SumUp Limited reserves the right to use your data to further improve the services and in this context to share (anonymized) data with third parties. All the above-mentioned guarantees with regard to the protection of your personal data also apply to the parts of SumUP Limited services for which they engage third parties. SumUp Limited does not store your data for longer than permitted by legal terms.

For more information, please refer to SumUp Limited's Privacy Policy

Reviews via Webwinkelkeur

We collect reviews via the WebwinkelKeur platform. If you leave a review via WebwinkelKeur, you are required to provide your name, place of residence and email address. WebwinkelKeur shares this information with us so that we can link the review to your order. WebwinkelKeur also publishes your name and place of residence on its own website. In some cases, WebwinkelKeur may contact you to provide an explanation of your review. If we invite you to leave a review, we will share your name and email address with WebwinkelKeur. They only use this information for the purpose of inviting you to leave a review. WebwinkelKeur has taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data. WebwinkelKeur reserves the right to engage third parties to provide services, and we have given WebwinkelKeur permission to do so. All the above-mentioned guarantees with regard to the protection of your personal data also apply to the parts of the services for which WebwinkelKeur engages third parties.

- Shipping via PostNL / DHL via Sendcloud

If you place an order with us, it is our job to have your package delivered to you. We use the services of PostNL / DHL via Sendcloud to carry out deliveries. It is necessary for us to share your name, address and residence details with Sendcloud. Sendcloud only uses this data for the purpose of executing the agreement. In the event that Sendcloud engages subcontractors, Sendcloud will also make your data available to these parties.

For more information, please refer to the Privacy Policy of PostNL, DHL and Sendcloud:

Privacy policy Post NL

Privacy policy DHL

Privacy policy Sendcloud

- Invoicing and accounting

We use Baexem Administration Office to maintain our administration and accounting. Baexem administration office is obliged to maintain confidentiality and will treat your data confidentially. Baexem Administration Office does not use your personal data for purposes other than those described above.

Your rights

Under applicable Dutch and European legislation, you as a data subject have certain rights with regard to the personal data processed by or on behalf of us. We explain below what these rights are and how you can invoke these rights. In principle, to prevent misuse, we only send copies and copies of your data to the email address you already know. In the event that you wish to receive the data at a different e-mail address or, for example, by post, we will ask you to identify yourself. We keep an administration of completed requests, in the event of a request to be forgotten we administer anonymized data. You will receive all copies and copies of data in the machine-readable data format that we use within our systems. You have the right to file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority at any time if you suspect that we are using your personal data incorrectly.

Right of inspection

You always have the right to inspect the data that we process or have processed that relates to your person or can be traced back to you. You can make a request to this effect to our contact person for privacy matters. You will then receive a response to your request within 30 days. If your request is granted, we will send you a copy of all data at the e-mail address known to us, with an overview of the processors who have this data, stating the category under which we have stored this data.

Right of rectification

You always have the right to have the data that we process or have processed that relates to your person or can be traced back to you amended. You can make a request to this effect to our contact person for privacy matters. You will then receive a response to your request within 30 days. If your request is granted, we will send you a confirmation that the data has been adjusted to the e-mail address known to us. Right to limit processing You always have the right to limit the data that we process or have processed that relates to your person or can be traced back to you. You can make a request to this effect to our contact person for privacy matters. You will then receive a response to your request within 30 days. If your request is granted, we will send you a confirmation to the e-mail address known to us that the data will no longer be processed until you cancel the restriction.

Right to portability

You always have the right to have the data that we process or have processed that relates to your person or can be traced back to you, processed by another party. You can make a request to this effect to our contact person for privacy matters. You will then receive a response to your request within 30 days. If your request is granted, we will send you copies or copies of all data about you that we have processed or that has been processed on our behalf by other processors or third parties at the email address known to us. In all likelihood, we can no longer continue the service in such a case, because the secure linking of data files can no longer be guaranteed.

Right to object and other rights

Where appropriate, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data by or on behalf of Sober Stoer en Mij. If you object, we will immediately stop data processing pending handling of your objection. If your objection is well-founded, we will make copies and/or copies of data that we process or have processed available to you and then permanently discontinue the processing. You also have the right not to be subject to automated individual decision-making or profiling. We do not process your data in such a way that this right applies. If you believe that this is the case, please contact our contact person for privacy matters.

Dutch Data Protection Authority

The Dutch Data Protection Authority (AP) monitors compliance with privacy legislation. Do you have a complaint about the use of your personal data and are you unable to resolve it with me? Then you can contact the Dutch Data Protection Authority.

Data breach notification

As of January 1, 2016, as an online retailer, I am obliged to report data breaches to the personal data authority. A data breach is a security incident involving access to, destruction, modification or release of personal data without intention. In the event of a data breach, personal data must have been lost or unlawful processing of personal data cannot be ruled out. In the event of such a data breach, I will also inform my customers by email.

Contact details

Do you have any questions about this privacy policy? Please feel free to contact us:

Sober Cool and Me

Koningsstraat 71

5984 NH Koningslust
