In the "PICTURE"

In the "PICTURE"

Today everything revolved around photography. Last week we were approached, if we would like it if pictures were taken of our house before.... well, we won't tell you yet 😊

And of course we wanted to contribute to that.

Today the photographer visited us to take beautiful pictures of part of our house. I am very curious about the result, we will have to wait a little longer for the result. And of course you will be the first to hear it when.....

Of course I also had to take advantage of the fact that the whole house was spick and span, so I captured some beautiful pictures myself 😊 as if we don't have enough already....

The sun provided a very nice light and I too, was so comfortable in the cutting atmosphere, that I put a lot of articles in the picture this afternoon, we're doing our best to have the webshop filled next week... keep us in mind the holes and see you again soon πŸ’‹

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